Serenity at the Central Park Reservoir.
Ah Friday is finally here! Something has been in the air this week, and everyone I know is either sick or on the brink of getting sick. Yikes.
It's been one of those weeks where I thought it was Friday back on Tuesday. I am definitely experiencing that all too familiar pull in a hundred different directions right now, and have been up to my ears in work with very little sleep.
Have you ever noticed that when you're asked, "how are you" it's an almost automatic response to reply, "I'm good"?
As you all have probably garnered from reading along with my blog, I'm all for the positivity and the warm vibes. But sometimes, you need to let down that automatic happy mask, just admit that maybe you're not feeling top notch, and let yourself actually feel that for a moment.
The more we tend to keep slapping a bandaid on our stress or feelings, thinking that if we just smile through gritted teeth, it'll be okay- but this is counterproductive more times than not. No one runs at 100% sparkly feelings all day, everyday (and if someone does, I'd like to have what they're having, please!). But in all seriousness-
Allow yourself to acknowledge and embrace whatever tired, stressed, frustrated, or just plain blah feelings you may have. When you do so, you can let it go and move on past it that much more quickly.
So on that note of being honest and embracing the blah, I'm not feeling like my chipper self. I've had a rough week with a few not so fun surprises thrown my way- BUT I'm looking forward to this weekend to take a deep breath, recharge, and stop to smell the flowers. I'm spending it doing something I've never done before, and something I haven't done in years- follow along on Instagram to find out what!
So lastly, I leave you with a few bits of inspiration in hopes that it'll put a smile on your face.
Take care of yourselves this weekend- I dare you to try a something new and step outside your comfort zone. And all my friends have been chiding me with this, but hell this is why I named this site what it is- live #minnaly :)
Smell the flowers. No, really.
Loved this on the wall of Haven's Kitchen- this means "we cherish" in French. Remember to cherish the little things!
One of my favorite accidental photos I took in Sevilla, Spain. Had to post a fitting quote on top!