Feel-Good Humpday Reminder

False alarms about snowpocalypses and lots of rescheduling/transition this week has knocked me a bit off my writing schedule. I'm working on a few I think you guys will really enjoy in upcoming weeks, but I've always said I don't want to post anything half-heartedly and these posts don't feel ready to publish yet.

I'm hunkering down in coffeeshops to get those babies done though, pronto. And also will be able to finally announce some news in the next week that I've been teasing about!

So, this humpday, I am leaving you with this feel-good post I wrote back as I launched this website, that many of you may not have seen pending on when you started following along! 

My challenge for you today, is to focus on what I talk about in my post here:
All The Things You ARE. (link)


Favorite Friday Finds 10.0


Leftovers: Swiss Chard Lettuce Wraps