While I'm Gone...

First of all, I'm having a bit of whiplash from the disbelief that my trip has already arrived! With all the craziness lately of my life in NYC, this trip totally crept up on me. Now it's time to go off and make some new memories and experience some familiar cities with fresh eyes and see new ones for the first time!

While I contemplated uploading a bunch of pre-scheduled posts for the duration of my trip, I had to stop myself. I haven't taken time away from this space in a very long time, and I need to just cut loose for the time I'm there without worrying about this blog, my baby, back at home. I'm hiring a babysitter, aka this post here, to entertain you guys while I'm gone. 

Of course you guys should make sure to follow my adventures along on my Instagram if you want up to speed content, but over here in this space, I've rounded up some of my favorite posts in each category-- to keep you busy with reading and growing. For newer readers: there are quite a few posts near and dear to my heart that you might not have seen yet, because they were published before you came along. For older readers: I know I always benefit from a good refresher or reminder, and hopefully you will too.

P.S. You should also read this NYTimes piece called "Check This Box if You're a Good Person," written by a former Dartmouth admissions director.


Where to Stay in Paris: Le Narcisse Blanc


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