Training Tuesday Roundup
My favorite is granny. Closely followed by yoga puppy.
Hello friends!
Real life training with my clients and my rehab work is taking precedent at the moment, so for this training Tuesday (and a later post than usual, sorry!), I present to you a fun little round-up of previous fitness related posts of mine you may have missed/may find useful:
Everyone wants buns of steel, let's be real: Parts 1 & 2 & 3 of my Build-a-Booty series (part 4 is coming soon!)
Can you sail through a 1 minute plank without breaking a sweat or can you barely hold it for 15 seconds? Either way, this post on nailing the plank is for you!
Bendy bendy- everyone seems to be trying to make themselves a pretzel these days. Read these 5 things you should know about stretching before you audition for the circus.
I bet many people have googled "best warmups for exercise" before. Well, let's start by understanding why we do it, so we can do it better, and here's "the worlds greatest stretch" to start with!
Do you avoid wheat like it's Satan's spawn but don't have celiacs? Let's get to know the truth about the gluten taboo. Give it a read, I dare ya!
If you feel like listening to another rant of mine, give my take on #fitspo a try. The gym is actually not Sparta, and your body isn't the war enemy.
Yes, I'm a trainer. And here is the grey murkiness of my industry, the fitness world. Don't be fooled by catchy slogans and quick fixes!
LASTLY, for you fitnessy foodies residing in NYC, here is my awesome (if I do say so myself) guide of 13 of my favorite healthy food restaurants downtown. Even your friend who subsists off pizza and cookies will find these places yummy!
While I have a ton of great content planned for you guys, I'd also love to hear about topics you're interested in reading about- comment away!