Well-Being Minna Lee Well-Being Minna Lee

How I Manage + Live with Endometriosis

Endometriosis symptoms, severity, and experiences vary WIDELY amongst those of us who have this disease, aka 1 out of 10 women. Here, I am sharing all that I have learned about Endometriosis, how Endometriosis is diagnosed, how to manage Endometriosis symptoms, and other resources that I have found along this process.

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Well-Being Minna Lee Well-Being Minna Lee

My Supplement Routine: What I Take + Why

In the past when I’ve gotten asked about my supplement routine, I’ve hesitated sharing because my specific regime is specific to me— but the truth is, supplements can benefit everyone. It’s nearly impossible for most people to get all of their daily requirements of vitamins and minerals solely through food these days, so it’s important that we supplement our daily routines with those vitamins needed for our bodies to optimally function for our individual health needs. I’m sharing what supplements I currently take to support my health, and why!

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Well-Being Minna Lee Well-Being Minna Lee

Anti-Racism: Activism Resources, Education, and Stories.

In this blog post, I’ve put together the most helpful information I’ve found on how you can support organizations working to fight against racism, police brutality, and policy reform, along with educational resources for understanding white privilege, resources for unlearning + learning, and more sources of perspective to fill our brains with: books, movies, articles, and more.

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Well-Being Minna Lee Well-Being Minna Lee

Understanding Stress Management: How to Better Manage Your Stress

No matter who you are or what you do, if you are a human with a functional brain and bodily system, you experience stress. From CEO’s to scientists to stay-at-home moms to bus drivers, stress affects us all. Because of this universally shared experience, we are bombarded with advice articles on “best ways to eliminate stress,” “how to de-stress,” and there are so many products sold that promise to help make you melt or “bust” the stress out of your life.

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Well-Being Minna Lee Well-Being Minna Lee

Holistic Ways to Manage PMS Symptoms for a Healthier Cycle

Do you have painful, heavy periods? Clotty periods? Irregular periods? Horrible cramps? PMS symptoms that feel out of control? Is this sounding like a 80’s tampon ad yet? 🤣So many of us women have been told that these things are just the “blessing” of owning a pair of ovaries and a uterus, and that our periods are supposed to be absolute misery 😒. I beg to differ! While there isn’t some magic “fix-all” to truly resolve these things and every woman experience is different, many of these symptoms for most women come out of less than optimal hormonal balance or condition (like my adenomyosis).

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Recipes, Well-Being Minna Lee Recipes, Well-Being Minna Lee

Elderberry Syrup Recipe

Elderberry has become one of the cool kids on the block for its immunity-boosting benefits— but like many of the homeopathic health remedies that have become so popular in recent years, the European Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) has been used in syrups and juices for centuries for its powerful properties. Nowadays, you find them as syrups, in lozenges, gummies, and in foods.

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Well-Being Minna Lee Well-Being Minna Lee

Living with Chronic Illness (again): now, Adenomyosis

I’m no stranger to health problems. 10 years of being a competitive athlete with countless sprains, concussions, broken things, and stitches, followed by facing a decade-long struggle with an eating disorder, a hip surgery, and an autoimmune disease diagnosis of Hashimoto’s and hormonal imbalances is a colorful collection, I’d say. As of last week, I’ve got a new, unexpected chapter to add to the list and one more pending epilogue— I found out I have adenomyosis, and as the cherry on top? I’m scheduled for a biopsy on Thursday for a lump found in my breast.

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Well-Being Minna Lee Well-Being Minna Lee

6 Ways to Manage Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) / Seasonal Depression

Over the last few years, SAD, otherwise known as Seasonal Affective Disorder, has gained recognition and been the butt of many a meme joke on social media— but one of those jokes that everyone painfully relates to… it me. While nothing will completely take away those feelings magically, there ARE a lot of factors we can manage in order to support our brains and bodies during this (literally) dark time in our lives when feeling seasonal depression.

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Well-Being Minna Lee Well-Being Minna Lee

What You Need to Know About Fertility Testing + Egg-Freezing

I know there is so much confusion around what fertility even means, the cost of egg-freezing, who is eligible, when is best to freeze your eggs, what the process entails, etc. It can all be overwhelming enough to be like, “I’ll deal with this later.”

BUT! I hope this post + video shines some new light on the topic and makes you feel empowered to WANT to seek out your options sooner rather than later. Because this part is actually WAY more simple to do and far less confusing than you might expect— and timing is indeed a very important factor.

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Well-Being Minna Lee Well-Being Minna Lee

CBD: A Complete Guide for Beginners, FAQ's, and Everything You Need to Know

For a product that is now commonplace in the aisle of grocery stores and all over social media, there is an extreme lack of in-depth knowledge or education about what CBD is and its uses. After a lot of personal research, I’ve been using CBD in my life for about 4 years now for reasons spanning from my inflammation from my autoimmune disease, menstrual cramps, to anxiety and sleep. I wanted to answer all the questions I’ve been asked about CBD, why I use CBD, and what the best CBD is, for once and for all.

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Well-Being Minna Lee Well-Being Minna Lee

Mental Health Awareness Month: How Therapy Changed My Life

…But the other day as I walked out of my therapist’s office onto a sunshine-doused sidewalk with spring blossoms scattered about, I closed my eyes and stood there for a moment; overwhelmed, not only by my gratitude to my situation that allows me to see a therapist regularly again, but also the fact that I started on this journey some 5 years ago. I was then reminded that May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and it finally felt like the right time to talk more in depth about my process with therapy over the past few years and why I think there is not a single person on this earth that can’t benefit from it in spades.

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Lifestyle, Well-Being Minna Lee Lifestyle, Well-Being Minna Lee

My Thoughts on Wellness Trends, Celery Juice, and What 'Detoxification' Actually Is

I’ve been asked many times from followers, media outlets, and friends about what my thoughts are on certain diets of the moment (paleo, keto, IF, etc.) and trends (bulletproof coffee, adaptogens, and now the infamous celery juice). I decided to put this blog post together to hopefully clarify my perspective that really applies to ALL trends, no matter the year— a perspective of understanding based on my education and experience over the past nearly 7 years in this industry. I am always a proponent of providing tools to people for them to make the right decision for themselves, rather than encouraging them to do or not do something….

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Lifestyle, Well-Being Minna Lee Lifestyle, Well-Being Minna Lee

My Hormonal Acne Journey: Healing + Managing Acne

One of my most requested blog post topics, hormonal acne has also been one of the harder things for me to talk about. Not only because I’ve had quite the ups and downs with it and that it has been an emotionally difficult issue for me over the years, but also because it’s still an ongoing journey for me.

So for me, I struggled with the insecurity and discomfort of sharing my past and current photos of my skin, but also a bit of “imposter syndrome;” as in, how could I talk about healing my hormonal acne when I still have skin that is far from flawless? Then I realized that mentality is exactly what I fight against when it comes to speaking about body image issues, so why should this be any different? If anything, those of us who have dealt with problematic skin are usually far more well-versed in skincare than those with not many skin issues because we’ve had to figure things out!

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Well-Being Minna Lee Well-Being Minna Lee

5 Ways to Gain Genuine Self-Confidence

The concept of confidence was demonstrated and told to me in so many different ways while growing up. Particularly in my formative years, while struggling to transition out of an athletic career that was all I had known my whole life, knowing who I was outside of the bravado of competitive skating was a completely disruptive experience. All I desperately wanted was to feel confident and comfortable in my own skin, so I started chasing after what I had been told what confidence truly meant.

After reflecting on what helps root my self-confidence now, I narrowed it down to these 5 specific habits that I've established over the years to help me gain genuine self-confidence-- and I hope these help you!

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Lifestyle, Well-Being Minna Lee Lifestyle, Well-Being Minna Lee

How to Reduce Waste + Live a Greener Lifestyle

Chalk it up to getting older and feeling more of a responsibility to this earth we call my home, but my conscious knew it was time to start changing the way I lived. My endocrine (hormonal) issues with my Hashimoto's were the other major catalysts that made me spring to action to be a more conscious consumer and to clean up my lifestyle. But previously? I had eschewed all the ways to reduce my carbon footprint that I had then deemed too "extreme" and impractical to adopt into my life.

When I look back at all the swaps and practices I've adopted over the past few years, I'm proud at my efforts but I continually realize more changes I can and want make moving forward. For the person just starting out, I know this entire list can seem intimidating, but it's really just about starting. It doesn't matter how small, just begin-- and once those become a naturally effortless part of your routine you don't think twice about, think about the next change you can make.

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Lifestyle, Well-Being Minna Lee Lifestyle, Well-Being Minna Lee

All about Menstrual and Reproductive Hormonal Health

I'm sure my mother is going to be a little shocked somewhere because I'm about to say the word "period" and "menstrual" and "uterus / vagina" about a million times in this blog post, but that's exactly the point. To little fault of her own, but rather the societal culture around us (particularly in our generation), women's reproductive health and menstrual cycles were never something to be talked about openly without some sense of shame and an "ew gross" attitude around it. Because of these stigmas, I felt the same way and I failed to understand my cycle, my hormones, and my reproductive health in a real way until my mid-twenties.

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Well-Being Minna Lee Well-Being Minna Lee

New Year, Same Amazing You

I always love the concept of taking stock of the progressions that have happened in a given period of time in order to appreciate and remind myself of the bigger picture, but I didn't think I wanted to write a 2017 recap post until yesterday. I did little recaps the past two years (2016, 2015), but this year I want to do a little bit of a different recap than just taking this past year into stock. I want to remind you that it is a New Year, yes, but you are the same amazing you you've been in all the years past-- and that is the same person entering 2018.

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