My "WHY" Behind Fitness & Working Out
A question I get frequently from newer clients and on social media especially, is HOW I manage to workout 6 days a week and lead a healthy lifestyle. Because it's the never-ending chase for most people, right? How to manage chasing a healthy lifestyle and a consistent...
Food for Fat Loss: Less is NOT More
As a trainer and nutrition coach, I frequently hear these inaccurate "facts" based in the worst antiquated weight-loss theory all the time: Calories in, Calories Out.
"Just eat less, move more and you'll lose weight."
"1200 calories a day and cardio at least 3x/week!"
"All my meals are...
4 Ways to Practice Gratitude Right Now
If you've been following me for awhile, you are well aware of how important the practice of gratitude is to me. I firmly believe that it is crucial to everyday happiness-- and the physical and mental benefits of practicing gratitude have long been backed by science.
As I mentioned yesterday...
Embrace Your Now
It's taken me ten years of rollercoaster ups and downs to hell and back, and I'm sure I'll encounter more challenges in the road ahead of me when it comes to this, but after feeling prisoner in my own body for so long, I finally, finally feel free. Liberated, from the chains I allowed to be put on myself and from the chains I put on myself too. Maybe it is...
4 Priorities for Stress-Free Healthy Eating while Traveling
It's hard enough getting into a healthy lifestyle and routine. And then when you finally feel like you've gotten a handle on the healthy eating thing, you have to go out of town on business or have a fun trip coming up. And then in comes the bread baskets, fast food, steak dinners, alcohol, etc. Sound familiar?
So how do you keep healthy while remaining sane during travels?
5 Ways to Manage Digital Stress
We live in a world of non-stop stimulus. Alerts from texts, emails, tweets, snaps, 'grams, and that's all just from our smartphones. Electronic screen time takes up most everyone's days in such a massive way that most of us don't want to really acknowledge. Because, face it, it's depressing that we spend more time with our...
5 Healthy Hacks for a Better Morning Routine
Happy Wellness Wednesday! This week's edition is all about nailing that morning routine, because let's face it, many of us can improve on this one. How many of you have thought this, first thing in the morning:
The Key to the Best Naps Ever: Napping 101
It's officially Wellness Wednesday, and I'm continuing on with my new series today with my #1 priority for optimal health: SLEEP!
I have a secret to admit...
The 5 Priorities for Optimal Health
All training clients have the same goal, really. Optimal health. Because optimal health equals feeling strong and healthy, feeling fit, and probably looking pretty awesome because they tend to go hand in hand. When I first explain to them my general hierarchy of priorities from a trainer's perspective for achieving that optimal health, some can be surprised at the ranking order. After all, my title is officially personal trainer/fitness coach-- how on earth did I rank working out so low?!
Because, these priorities for optimal health are like a pyramid. Without the foundation one one thing, you cannot possibly hope to achieve the next level higher successfully. How do you think you're going to train as hard as you are capable, with 5 hours of sleep and crappy quality foods in your body?
How Daily Choices = Life Choices
Truthful Thursday over here today, folks. An encouraging reminder to own your reality and check in with yourself and your self-awareness.
I have two questions I want you guys to ask yourself today:
Life Didn't Get in the Way: It's Always There
The most common thing for me to experience with clients, particularly while dealing with nutrition, is that I'll hear something like, "I was really good for the past two weeks, then life happened."
Beauty of Our Bodies
I pretty much said all of what has been on my mind in my post last week on body judgment/shaming. The universe is aligning though, because a really kicka** ladyboss fitness coach and writer that I love, Molly Galbraith, co-founder of Girls Gone Strong, shared this post on her Facebook page recently that went absolutely viral. Shared by...
Body Shaming/Judgment Part 2.
My original body judgment/shaming post is still one of the most popular hits on my blog. I didn't think I needed a follow-up piece to it, because I had shared the majority of how I felt about it in that post. But more things happen, and unfortunate problems like these in our society don't just tend to disappear altogether. So, rather than assuming that things will change, I want to help CHAMPION this change. Problems don't change until we change them...
4 New Year NON-Resolutions for 2016
How many of us out there are used to making resolutions for the New Year? Knowing that they're made in good faith and determination, yet not having much of an action plan to carry those resolutions out?
Hence, why I don't believe in resolutions. I DO, however, believe in action plans and your beliefs in yourselves. I made my...
4 Ways to Keep Healthy for the Holidays
Bah humbug. There's nothing that gets my eyes rolling and me grouchier than seeing the inevitable mountains of blog posts after Thanksgiving filled with words like, "Detox! Cleanse! De-Bloat! Undo Damage! Juice!" Even before the holiday, I overheard another trainer...
Lifestyle Changes: Little Steps = Big Outcomes
When people think of the prospect of changing their lifestyles towards a healthier direction, it seems overwhelmingly daunting or like a giant challenge to tackle. I have a secret for you. It's all really possible.
If you stand at the bottom of the mountain and look all the way up at the peak, it's going to seem like it's grower taller by the second, right before your eyes. But if you look...
The Pursuit of Happiness- Pursue Living Instead
I write a lot about happiness. And health, and balance.
The other day, my friend, Mary Catherine of Better Ice Creamed, posted this quote by Hugh MacKay, author of The Good Life:
"I actually attack the concept of happiness. The idea that—I don’t mind people being happy—but the idea that everything we do is part of the pursuit of happiness seems to me a really dangerous idea...
Exhaustion: Not a Proxy for Effort or a Status Symbol
We have a serious problem on our hands. This happens incessantly around me, particularly amongst New Yorkers, and I am certainly guilty of falling into the trap sometimes. But the more I ruminate about why we do it, the further I am actively distancing myself from this.
We love to play the victim. Millennials especially love to use exhaustion and 4 hours of sleep as a badge of honor of how...